His work goes on ....

Created by David 2 years ago

Ralph's work has been at the heart of my most profound insights and biggest disturbances. Ever since my first workshop on the MSc at Ashridge, I have tussled between his notions of complex responsive processes of relating and my history of systems thinking. So much so that even today as I talk about "systems" I often then caveat my sentences with "but Ralph would say ....". I never actually met him physically. And yet the reason I am on this page, writing this story is that I am about to use is famous matrix with a client and wanted to ensure I referenced him correctly. I had no idea that he had died. I regret not meeting him in person. Perhaps in the complex patterns of relating, the tussles will go on. He will still be alive in my thoughts and we will continue to converse metaphysically. I can only hope so. My life and those of many others have been changed by his ideas and challenges to conventional organisational wisdom. Thank you Ralph.